3 billion people can not type Google, Facebook, Yoursite.com etc. Atoall.com web tool solves!
3 billion people can not type Google, Facebook, Yoursite.com etc. Atoall.com web tool solves! Regional language tool, Rural language tool, Minorities languages tool In our word 3 billion people are non English. When they wish to open these websites they need to type address like Facebook.com, Google, Yoursite.com etc in address bar. But if they are non-English they cannot type in address bar. Atoall.com found web tool to solve this problem which is very useful for Hindi, Chinese, Arabic users and non-English users. How to solve this problem by web tool: Press any three buttons twice right to left from keyboard like ppooii.com or ppooii and ctrl+enter. You can see search engine of Google in Atoall.com . After this you will see this picture giv...